Some scientists believe that asthma and vitamin deficiency are integrally linked. Researchers have looked into the role that certain vitamins play in the occurrence and severity of the disease. The hypothesis is based in large part on higher rates of asthma in Western countries where diets rich in refined sugar, fats, and processed foods have led to widespread deficiencies of certain vitamins, including vitamin D and B complex vitamins. By comparison, the rate of asthma in non-industrialised parts of the world that rely on real foods, including fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is generally lower.
Vitamin C: Vitamin C has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that may benefit people with asthma. It has been proposed that vitamin C can reduce the oxidative stress placed on airway tissues which, in turn, may reduce their hypersensitivity to common asthma triggers. Vitamin C may also reduce inflammation and hypersensitivity in the same way inhaled steroids used in asthma therapy do.
Vitamin D: Numerous studies have suggested a relationship between vitamin D and asthma. A 2017 review of studies published in the journal Cureus concluded that a daily 500-IU dose of vitamin D may reduce the severity and frequency of asthma attacks in children. Doing so doesn't necessarily affect asthma but rather reduces the risk of common respiratory infections that trigger acute attacks.
Vitamin E: Vitamin E has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that may benefit people with asthma. Most of the evidence is based on studies that show a direct correlation between vitamin E deficiency and asthma severity. A 2013 review in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine suggested that the use of vitamin-E-fortified baby formula may reduce the incidence of childhood asthma, while also suggesting the vitamin E deficiency in mothers may increase the risk of asthma in a child up until the age of 5.
Magnesium: There has been significant research to tie low levels of magnesium to increased asthmatic symptoms as well as a higher risk of developing asthma. Studies have shown that upping magnesium levels can be extremely beneficial for asthmatics, improving the lungs ability to move air in and out.
Green Lipped Mussel: Experimental studies have shown that lipid extract of New Zealand green-lipped mussel may have some beneficial effect in patients with atopic asthma.
Fish Oil, Flaxseed Oil: Omega-3 fatty acid products can reduce the production of IgE, the antibodies that cause allergic reactions and asthma symptoms in people with milder cases of asthma.